If you have been reading this blog in years gone by you will know we used to have feijoas and walnuts in large quantities. Here we have 2 feijoa tress. One has no fruit as it's too shaded,the other has been a big surprise. Earlier on when I did a little pruning on it I thought after a quick count there might be 50 fruit if we were lucky. BUT we have had over 200 already. Its a mystery where they are all hiding....but a very pleasant one. We all love them. The walnut we knew would never come close to the amazing tree (s) we had on the orchard. Picking up walnuts there was hard work (on a slope ) for me. 

The picking up here is easy on mown lawn. The crop is small but with a bit of fert can probably be improved.( not sure what variety it is ? Maybe English paper shell)
This is it so far drying in the sun.
Today we picked these tomatoes from the old plastic poly house ( on its last legs ). They are sweet 100 and we think because of the extra warmth and putting no water on the leaves this plant has been able to go on producing a crop long after the ones in the garden have been pulled out. It was the first plant to have ripe tomatoes and still has more to ripen now. Really quite amazing.😋
We are now down to our last half dozen avocados for this year so R has been up the biggest tree pruning a big clearance hole to let the sun stream in. Sure we loose quite a few small next time fruit but its for the future good of the tree.( it is very tall )
We have had Arbor Barber back to take out 2 more large trees - a banksia and a puriri. Also to let sun it and improve the view for the next door neighbours.
Over Easter I was able to give this now finished wool vest to little 8 month old grandson. I didn't get a pic of him wearing it ( a bit warm here yet ), so here is Big Ted modelling it.
I also completely finished the set of Fish place mats I was making( for ages )so will have to find another hand sewing project for P and Q tomorrow.
What a time waster this 1000 piece puzzle proved to be. The most time consuming one we have tackled yet. Son did 75 % me only 25%. I wish we hadn't started it. ( it was one I got at the used book sale a month ago ) The sky was bad news, especially with deteriorating eyesight like mine.
I have said no more .....I wonder if I will stick to that.
These red Nerines I transported with me from the orchard are very happy in there bucket /
pot and are blooming brightly. All the ones I put in the garden are getting leaves not flowers so I may have to wait till next year for them to be properly established. ( at least I have them ).
Its a brilliant Autumn day here in BOP, very warm and pleasant in the garden .
A nice, newsy post. It’s good that you have been getting some good crops and also are doing the hard yards to improve things for future years. I’m sure it will be well worth it.
Such a busy time and so much happening. No feijoas on my trees this year, but they are only babies. Your red Nerine is beautiful, I hope they flourish for you. I have the pink one here, I had to grab some bulbs when I saw them, my baby sister is named Nerine.
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