Friday, August 30, 2019

Royal Spoonbills.

I am still trying for that elusive close shot of the Royal Spoonbills. This is where I walk  by when I go right around our small sub division. The ponds were made especially for nesting purposes.
 There are many bright Spring flowers out in my garden and on my kitchen bench. Freesias in 5 colours. The best perfume from my old potted Burtonii ones.
 Theses white flowered ones are from the bulbs Grandson planted.

White Dutch iris are standing tall along the back retaining wall.

Around the base of a flowering cherry.

 Today I have used my time well. It is somewhat of a relief to know I can still knuckle down when undisturbed and finish a project. I made the hanging sleeve with a velcro strip and hand sewed it on. Usually we just safety pin the hanging strips on but my hanging is very light and I thought the weight of safety pins might just make it keep falling off the wall - so I sewed it on. I left the ends open so it is also a hanging sleeve into which a rod could later be put to hang on my wall.
 I sewed a matching label on too. So all ready to exhibit. ( ( Feeling relieved it is totally completed )


Janice said...

Your garden is looking lovely. It is so much further advanced than ours. It is always good to know that you have a project finished without having to rush at the last minute.

loulee said...

Things move a little slower here in the south! My daffs are just beginning to open, my iris are still just green leaves but I was shocked to see flower buds on my freesia yesterday!! Hmm, we're in for more frosts and cold weather this week....:-(