Yesterday afternoon I completed my round of every kiwifruit block in the orchard. ( has taken me several weeks ) I was tying in new growth, thinning flowers ( now small fruit ), pulling out wind broken shoots and making sure every bay is set out to get the optimum amount of sunlight. As always I now can start back at the beginning and thin fruit where necessary. Having an orchard is a bit like having a garden you never really finish, there is always more you can do.
I spent time in the garden at the weekend. These bromiliads love the warmth from the rocks, but the rocks had maiden hair fern still sprouting up from a previous planting, so in desperation I moved lots of the rocks off, weeded, then put them back. Some people find it hard to grow maidenhair fern...I find it hard to kill.( it had to go as it was rotting the decking by constantly dripping onto it, after rain )
The other photo shows a new black leafed Ajuga that has finally started to creep out and cover some ground.I'll make more space for it as it needs it.
Today I am taking time to catch up on other tasks that were piling up. Pleasant tasks like organizing a birthday lunch for my cousin( and friend ), that involved phoning or emailing lots of ladies, some I know, others I will meet.
I have also spent some time making a costume for a silly skit I got roped into, to do at our P & Q Groups end of year Dessert Evening and Annual Meeting. ( cunning aren't they having those 2 things combined ) That's tonight so I still have to get food organised too and wrap a small gift to swap ( a fat quarter and copy of one's favourite recipe ) I am using my Crustless Quiche recipe.
But the sun is shining, it's just a pleasant temperature ( not snow ; not scorching hot - just right....NZ is lucky! ) so I can cope with being busy.
Score for the Hexagons. 6 rows attached and looking good.
I'm reading "Blindsight," by Maurice Gee ( a NZ author ) and enjoying that - I have read several of his other books too. Guess every one else is getting busy...it's that time of the year.
arrghh bloger beta ate my comment. I said...and I'll say it again...the picture with the urn looks like something from a garden mag. Love your black leafed plant. I'm a big Maurice Gee fan, I've read and re-read the Meg series.
Hi Pixie,
Blogger seems quite keen on eating comments....bit strange eh.
This Maurice Gee book has part of it set in Wellington in the 50s and 60s. An old flat in Ghuznee St. - that isn't there now; where the Terrace Tunnel now comes out. I haven't finished reading it yet.
that blue urn is DELICIOUS!
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