Today we have glorious rain, right when it's needed. The kiwifruit are growing fast. The first 6 weeks after pollination is when the fruit grow rapidly, by cell division. After that they stop cell division and plump up the cells already formed and gain size and weight more slowly till picking time in May/ June.
In the photos you can see the remains of flower petals and stamen still attached to the young fruit. Where my hand is holding up a match box for size comparison the fruit nearest the match box needs removing cause it is going to be the wrong shape - it will turn into a flat fruit ( not export standard ) so it will get pulled off. The quicker we can remove those ones ( reject thinning ) the better so the vine doesn't have to feed them, instead putting the nutrients into fruit that will be exportable.
It's a shame I can't share the avocados with you all. This morning I bagged up some for gifts for friends and neighbours. All the Christmas mail is now posted and another batch of fruit mince pies are in the cupboard.I even wrapped some gifts in a spare few minutes. ( glad it rained so I have a good excuse to be inside ) We haven't had time to go select a Christmas tree yet. We get one from under the shelter belts around the orchard...not always a perfect shape but free and we are not cutting down a good tree.
It's so fun to see the kiwis and avacados - thanks! Snowy here!
ooh rain - you are so lucky - thanks for the info on kiwifruit - eaten them all my life and now only just finding out about their growing habits.
Whilst it's not exactly cold here (geraniums and fuchsias still out in the front garden - global warming hits Leicester) it looks a lot more attractive where you are! Have a great Christmas.
The flower stamens make the little kiwis look like they've got brown hair. :)
Really? They're rejected for being the wrong shape? Do they still taste the same? I'm loving watching the life cycle of a kiwifruit.
wow that was quick! seems like the other day we were admiring the flowers! i really enjoy how informative your posts are.
Sounds like a model agency over there, rejecting the portly ones!!!! My student assistant, who is STUNNING and built like a shoelace (6 foot tall and 2 inches wide!!) was rejected by a model agency in capetown because she needed to lose 6 cm!!! oooh I feel a blog subject coming on!!!!
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