Come on then Sheila and anyone else who wants a stroll.
Our gateway and mailbox is beyond the curve in the drive, where the Awanui Flowering Cherries are out. Usually I take their photo so all 4 trees are showing but then it would just look like last years photo!
If you happen to be working here you may sit at that table under the tree in the foreground, to eat your lunch or have a rest and a cuppa. Just beside it is one of my favourite Camellias with a perfect white flower and very green shiny leaves.

The drive curves slowly on towards the house. On your left is a garden bed with all this colour. On your right is a tall retaining wall with Flax bushes and Rosemary hanging down. This colourful garden bed is where several trees were removed last year and now the light just pours in. Lots of pale pink and white azaleas, 2 red Rubicon Rhododendrons; bulbs; Cineraria, and Day Lilies grow here. The tree at the top is a Port Wine Magnolia - you know the one that in the evening reminds you of childhood cause it smells like juicy fruit chewing gum.
In the photo with the red rhodo you can see the cherry trees over the top in the distance, so you realise how the drive curves round. Gosh we are only just reaching the house. You better come back later so I can show you whats out in that garden. ( Don't forget all the photos are clickable to enlarge ) Yes, you may pick some flowers I do all the time.
Oh how beautiful! Thank you for the lovely walk, i'm stuck in a grey office and guess what? - its raining! Have a great weekend.
That camelia is perfection personified - your garden looks gorgeous too :o)
beautiful Ali.
How big is your block of land.
Do you do all the gardening.
I'll be sitting at the table, with my thermos of coffee tomorrow :)
btw The Scot was very impressed with the Strawberry Frame.
That surely is one beautiful perfect Camelia.
Loved the tour of your lovely garden.
It is raining just now, but I dont think it is going to last.
What a lovely stroll .... I can almost smell the scents!
This is so beautiful, thank you.
Thanks for the lovely walk! Looks like you have your own private botanical gardens.....
beautiful garden............wished I could really visit..........
You have a beautiful garden.
Oh what a lovely garden! And that camelia is superb! I can almost feel it!
That Camelia is just beautiful. Pure white and a perfect shape. The garden tour is very amusing.
Kaiy here... Wanted to thank you for your messeages on my blog and have a chance to see the garden mum has been talking about.
Its much prettier than i imagined and the blossom adds to it in spring, fantastic find. I wish i could go and play in your garden with my lanterns Im in the middle of makeing. I have finnished 6 of 50 so far and have 3 weeks left till my first assesment (when i have to finnish including photos). It will be outdoors. Again contrast is important to me. I love the diffrence between man made and natural.
again, thank you Ali
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