I've been meaning to write about this for some time; filing things; nails in particular. I was given a glass nail file ( photo )and it is just amazing. It is far and away the gentlest, smoothest file I have ever used on my nails - a pleasure to use. It will last a lifetime, can be washed and never wears out. It was quite expensive I suppose, but not if you think you will never have to buy emery boards again. It was made by Touch of Glass and this website shows their whole range .( www.thetouchofglass.co.nz )
Some colourful night skies over us lately.
Last Thursday we signed up with a different Land Agent who came and asked if he could try and sell our property.We have given him 2 months sole agency. The first lot were very good but only one person came to look in all that time and they didn't bring the potential buyer someone else did. Real Estate prices and in particular Orchards are at an all time low in BOP so we are not stressing; we can wait as long as it takes to get what we want for our property....... keeping it all up to standard constantly is a bit of a b...... but still, we can only do our best.
I am half way through sewing the binding on my scrappy purple and green quilt and will finish that today. The flowers are slowly building up in the completed pile for the other quilt. The sun is shining brightly today so I know lots of my time will be in the garden, weeding but also picking beans and tomatoes which we now have in abundance.
I have a glass nail file too, they really are great.
Mmm, fresh veg....you tease.
And finally I went out and bought a copy of 'The Book Thief' after reading your mini review, it sounds good. I've left it at the top of the pile.
What a beautiful sunset.
Lovely sunset!
I like your glass file. Good luck on selling your property, my husband drools at it from time to time...
Julie , tell your man to come over quickly and buy our orchard!
A glass file? I'd never heard of one. Just don't drop it!
I have never tried a glass file, haven´t even seen them in the shops.
Oh to have some of those freshly picked beans! What a treat they are.
Those clouds are beautiful!
Spectacular cloud picture!
I hardly ever remember to file my nails, usually bite them smooth.
The sunset is beautiful, as is your purple and green quilt. Those are beautiful colors - I have a kaleidoscope UFO in those colors, and I have a bulls eye block on my to-do list forever. I really must get to it soon.
what BEAUTIFUL clouds. thanks for sharing. and i love your flower squares in the post below.
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