Walkways on both river banks extend for many kilometres, consisting of cobbled paths , steps and bridges. Even a troll bridge ( you remember -trit trot, trit trot, over the rickety bridge ) - I listened carefully to see if I was challenged by," Who goes there? " But nothing.
I wasn't alone. There were folk learning canoeing on the river, many ducks quacking and many other water fowl circling and landing. The water level was below normal but still flowing strongly. It was on the banks that the drought showed and odd trees were dead .
There were runners and doggie walkers; cyclists and one mad racing cyclist who approached so fast and so silently behind that I was startled. There was as always in these public places - rubbish; some dropped; some blown and even some deposited by the river itself, left high and dry. Nature left a few treasures too - the best I heard first.Plonk. Plonk. As acorns ( still in their pipes ) from a mighty oak dropped to the cobbles.
A kind lady, also walking asked if I'd like her to take a photo of me gazing down on the river. So there I am. I love new and interesting walks and breakfast later tasted good and was earned!
It was only 24 hours away but I enjoyed the different scenery.

Hey! I've been there :D
That walkway is one of my Dad's babies (he is the manager of all of Hamilton's parks and gardens and stuff. He built the Hamilton Gardens as well and the walkway around the lake. Lots of the river and lake-side residents HATE him!) and Peter designed some of those bridges!
Beautiful pictures, they convey a wonderful sense of peace.
Hunney has promised we'll be back in 2009, I guess I'll just have to wait.
Well fancy that Kirsty. Please do tell Pete and your Dad I really enjoyed their handiwork. Hamilton Gardens are lovely too - didn't have time to go there this visit.
I wish I could be there to enjoy all of this firsthand! wonderful pic!! Thanks Ali.
Nice pic of you looking out over the river...love how the sunlight comes through those leaves. Looks like a lovely place for a ramble with a camera!
Lovely pictures, New Zealand looks idyllic. It is still chilly here in the UK and we could really do with some warm sunshine to cheer us all up!
Thanks for inviting me with you on this walk.
Beautiful photos. It's begging spring here, seems funny to think of fall happening at the same time.
What a wonderful get-away! Such pretty pictures and a lovely place to relax.
Thanks for the walk. Early morning is so magical out in the open air. Your photos are great. Thanks for sharing them with us.
How nice of the lady to take your photo. Doesn't it make you feel good when people stop and talk like that.
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