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Today has been a SPECIAL DAY.******
The Tauranga Patchwork and Quilters Group that I belong to celebrated it's 20 th Birthday. ********* !!!!!!
We presented the 4 Foundation members, who were able to be with us ( 3 still attend regularly, one was back as a guest )with a spray of flowers to wear. Each took turns at showing us their first quilts and telling us their memories of 20 years ago. Others members then took turns at showing us their first or early quilts. (Some of course like me no longer own their first efforts but early works were fine.) Quilts from the group now live in many countries of the world as well as parts of NZ.
The 4 special guests ( Pam, Aylmer Nan and Jenni ) then cut the Birthday cake. 40 plus members were present and the other half of the group who meet on a Tuesday evening are going to have a similar celebration next Tuesday night.
. There were many lovely quilts to look at( one still as a flimsy after 20 years!!! )
In the photo of the cake cutting there is a quilt on the wall that has friendship blocks made by some early quilters of whom at least 2 are no longer with us. The owner really treasures having a block made by them to keep.
There were also many photos displayed for us to enjoy ( and giggle at ).
What a lovely lot of happy quilters, I am privileged to spend time with. We did all enjoy our day. Members of our group range in age from early 30s to 80s, and we all have a common bond.
Quilters are the nicest bunch of women I've met anywhere! Have you been a member since the beginning, Ali?
Wow -- it looks like you belong to a great group. And how wonderful to have such a wide age range!
How long have you been a member?
That looks lik such a wonderful celebration.
That photo of you - you're such a cutie!
It is lovely to see 'the girls' cutting the cake.
Quilting is a wonderful way to make friends.
Hi Ali
Happy 20th birthday and happy 300th post. Are you going to Symposium?
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