Since the big rain ( 18.5" )that caused us such havoc there hasn't been another drop since the 7
th March. Plants are stressing from the
extremes.The garden has some beautiful spots ( yellow
Vireya and mauve autumn Crocus ) of colour and it is nut time again. I have picked up the first drop of walnuts and we also picked up a few chestnuts ( photos ). They are a lot of "prickly effort," so we only pick up a few.
Such warm fine weather means we have been working too hard for my liking ( and age probably ) even at weekends, but the garden is better for my efforts.I'm glad daylight saving has finished - getting up will be easier and lighter!
The Kiwifruit crop is looking good - huge fruit , almost ready to pick. We finished the block we were working in on Friday and hope to not have too much more to do to them. A final walk through all blocks (for anything we missed ).

The photo of the
ute strangely parked made me laugh.....now that's not very nice of me, BUT I am sick of people causing us extra work! The old f.... / , man owner was dumping garden rubbish from the quarry over the bank down the steep slope to our boundary fence...he backed too far back and ended up down the bank. Maybe he will tip it somewhere else next time.
I did an hour of sewing my quilt yesterday and hope to go and do a little more shortly.I did a dummy run trying the fabrics out. I'm glad I did cause the squares I cut don't need to be quite so large( will cut the rest smaller )and the batting way smaller.I also think the instructions I was following are not quite right...it said to cut the squares 1/16" larger than the circle....that leaves a little hole - which I don't want so I am cutting them at least 1/4'' smaller....maybe it's me but I don't think so Glad I tried it out at this stage ( just pinned )My denim fabrics are varying thicknesses so I am using batting under the squares - it is optional- might make it heavy but I want it to be warm.
It was ok for you to laugh when the car went down the bank. Are the nuts inside the "thing" that is besides them on the picture?
Serves him right! We have people like that here too, who think it's OK to dump their rubbish on someone else's property. karma will get them sooner[in this case!] or later.... Your quilt is looking very nice.
Makes you think Karma might be around, seeing that truck down the bank. Hope he learnt his lesson!
I am fascinated with your quilt, but confess, I just can't seem to understand it!
I hope you get the right sort of rain soon. Not too much though!
I'm liking the denim quilt look very much. Will it be a raggy one when finished or do you turn the side pieces under, I wonder? (Hey that rhymes!) :o)
Serves the old codger right! Ha!
I'm glad the kiwi is looking good. Hope your weather extremes even themselves out soon.
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