Progress has been made on my Recycled Denim Mock Cathedral Windows Quilt. ( I'll have to think of a shorter name ).
( "Hi," to Anne P in Finland - great to have you reading; you really will have to get a blog ).
This is how I did it so far. Having seen the idea I went to Blue Jeans quilt gallery and read up there. After I started I changed some of their ideas to make it work for ME. The backing of the quilt is the denim. The front has windows of feature fabric. Batting in the middle layer. ( so the same number of squares of feature fabric, and batting, as circles of denim .)
1.Collect a range of used denim ( blue )( skirts , jeans etc. ) Weight and quality will vary.( op shops are good places to look )
2. Decide on the size of the backing circles to use. Bear in mind the size that can be cut from the leg of most jeans. Too many small circles will be even heavier than this quilt by its nature is. Cut out the circles using your template. I cut circles with 4 7/8" radius.( cardboard template )
3.Cut 2 square templates.( For the feature fabric squares cut 6 3/4 "; for the batting slightly smaller again 6 1/2".)
4.Place the larger square on the back of your denim circles and mark its outline.
5.Varying your denim shades, align then sew, 2 circles right sides together, down one line ( side ) of the square. Then 2 more, then 2 more. ( or you could string piece ); till you have your row length (11 for me ).
6. Press flaps open. Then make another row of joined circles and so on till you have the width you want your quilt to be.( probably 10 for me ) Begin joining the rows.Align the circles using the seam line as your guide.( see 3rd photo of circles lying on top of the previous row to get them aligned )
7. When you have at least 3 long rows joined ( you will notice the pattern the 4 flaps create at each intersection ); press flaps open, then you may start filling the windows with batting and feature fabric. Cut your feature fabric squares using the slightly bigger template and the batting the slightly smaller square. Lay in the batting square with the feature fabric square on top. Smooth to all corners. Secure using a quilting pin ( safety ) in the middle. Then pin down each of the 4 flaps ( curtains ) far enough back from the edge so you can sew by without removing them.
Note: Don't sew down the end flaps till you are sure this is the size ( length or width ) you require.( see the final photo - I have left the first rows unfilled till the end ; and the end flaps )
8.Now using a walking foot, sew on the right side along a whole line of curtains in a continuous scalloped line. I used a fancy stitch on my Bernina #48 (a stitch that has a central line but goes out to both sides - Thanks Anna ! ) but it could just be zigzag. This is in effect your quilting. See the pattern it creates on the back.
9.Don't sew down the flaps in the opposire direction till you have all your rows joined ( if you want to sew as one continous row os stitching ) This could be constructed in squares and joined ) I found the long rows worked well.
10. ( I haven't got there yet )When your quilt is the required size, turn in the side flaps and quilt down the flaps in the direction you have not yet stitched. This will give a lovely petal like design on both front and back of the quilt.
Then it's finished! ( it's quilt as you go really )
Note: This gets heavy.
: Use safety quilting pins or you will get scratched.
: could be made without batting for less warm quilt.
: All photo enlarge with clicking.
: Any questions happily answered, if I can.
( bet I forgot something I should have told you )
I really like your quilt!
Oh wow! Fabulous.
I'll definitely be trolling on back here when and if I ever get around to making one of these! It sounds like [with batting] it'd be a great picnic or beach blanket!
It is looking good Ali, may be this is what I could do for my grandsons, lovely and "boyish" have been trying to think of a "boy" one they can grow up with.
Great progress on your quilt.
Ali, I think you might be right about Henry MacKenzie!! Thank you !After all this time..... God bless the internet and those with the wits to use it! I'm off to check Amazon right now!
I enjoy recycling jeans - I made my son a large (over 2m square) quilt out of difefrent sized squares when he went off to uni. I kept all the zips, pockets, labels etc in it.
I've never thought of doing what you're doing!
What a great quilt
The fejoa flower is beautiful isn't it
Take care
Your instructions are really well written Ali! Even I could follow this. I guess you could use a lighter fabric, for a less heavy quilt. Yours is ideal for a man!
For some reason, I wasn't expecting the fabric in the window and what a lovely effect!
I called mine a casual quilt - mad casually too! I got my jeans from family and friends - it is hard to get them to stop once they get started! I also used a coffee can lid as a template - it is a perfect size, and I can always get more if I lose my template!
Thanks, I really need to make one of these, I have a lot of denim. ;)
I bet it'd be a cool totebag too, with some denim handles, nice and sturdy.
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