It was appallingly wet today. 8 brave ladies dragged their sewing machines into our building where we meet, getting a bit damp in the process, but it was warm and snug inside. It was our weekend to have the rooms and use the time to finish off UFOs or aprons or quilts for our Exhibition. As always the company was great .
I completed this Christmas apron and almost another one, that I will finish tomorrow. They look so different on a body!
This year we are not having a general Sales Table just an Apron Sales Table. $15 for an adult's size and $10 for a child's size. ( we know the fabric is worth more than that, but we want them to sell and so some of it is a donation from members. ( some fabric was donated anyway )
That apron looks lovely!
Really beautiful apron!
Cute apron. I made one of that pattern using orange and white 60s fabric. I'm sure they'll sell fast.
I hope you do really well. The price is very reasonable.
Olá! Conheci o seu cantinho e é tão lindo e criativo! Amei mesmo!!! Parabéns pelo seu trabalho!... Se puder, dê uma espiadinha no meu:
Beijinhos do Brasil.
Very beautiful.
That's a very attractive apron and pattern. They would make wonderful gifts.
What a lovely idea to make an apron. Who could resit wearing that.
Lovely idea.
Goodness, I was surprised to read some rather forceful posts from you when I read them to catch up after being away. Go you!
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