Some final photos of our show here. I think we can be quite proud of our efforts. Everyone took my concerned comments about helping to heart and we had a wonderful band of helpers to take it all down. Some husbands dealt with the frames while the ladies lovingly took down the exhibits. Just raffles to draw, points to tally and a short debriefing, to go now.
Meg your" emissaries, " found me and my quilts and we had a long and pleasant chat - They had a really good look for you...and you enjoyed it!
The bottom photo is a comparison with a photo of the same quilt shown in a previous blog. I asked Clive the photographer who was taking semi- professional pics of our show why the white quilts were coming up SO fawn in my shots. He gave me a lot of advice and helped me put a piece of filter ? ( I've forgotten the right word ) over my flash. Look what a difference it makes - Thanks Clive!
Finally my favourite photo I took from the show was the top one. Our youngest viewer. The wee babe was really animated and definitely looking at the quilt as she was being told about it.
Wow! Well done, it sounds like your exhibition was a great success and you have some truly lovely quilts on display - thanks for all the pics, not sure which one I like best although I am partial to the lovel colour wash one....lol.
BTW thanks for your birthday email, been trying to finish a quilt and haven't got around to replying but I will!
Looks as though you had a very successful show! Congratulations to the organisers, I know how much work goes into putting on an exhibition.
Looks to me like you SHOULD all be very proud of all of your hard work!
A great show you all did so well
so many lovely quilts and work.
I know the work that goes into a show and you all need a pat on the back.
The car saga ...oh! well that's life I guess
You are never to young to learn :)
What a lot of talent your group has! Lovely quilts....Now that we're into August already, it won't be long before we have our second Botanical Garden Quilt show [in mid-Oct.]
Thankyou so much for telling me how much I enjoyed seeing it all! HaHa!. You have no idea how much I wished I was there in person.
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