We had a lovely P and Q club day today, more than 40 ladies all happy and joining in. I was pleased with how it went. 4 new prospective members. 2 had belonged at some time in the past, 2 were brand new; one from the UK. It was very hot by afternoon!
Today is also exciting because later on we go over to the airport to pick up younger son and his partner (who we have yet to meet.) They are both here for 3 weeks holiday from UK. J has lived in London for more than 9 years now - it's 2 since he was last home. V is also a Kiwi and they have spent the last week up in Northland with her family. So a busy week or so coming up for us. I hope it all goes well...we are trying to plan vegetarian meals for them.( I'll discuss that another time. ) Now I am off to do some last minute cleaning and pick fresh Flowers.
Any helpful hints on machine quilting would be appreciated.( especially free motion ).
Ali, I had puckering problems with thick batting, but by then I had done too much to change it so I soldiered on!
Your work is lovely. I hope you find a way to resolve your issues with the batting.
Have a lovely visit with your son and friend.
I love this piece. My problem is always in the quilting too. I hope you have a lovely time with your son and partner. Lucky you to have a nice garden when vegetarians come to visit.
I think your embellishments added so much. I am having such trouble with my machine quilting...puckers, tucks, you name it. Hope we can find some answers!
I have no tips for machine quilting -being most illiterate there! However, I do love this piece, & also the stamens & butterflies.
Hope you are not daunted by vegetarian meals- vegetales are just fine!! You have them in abundance, & I am sure they will be well fed & healthy!! Enjoy your visit.
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