Unfortunately my first aid was not enough cause today he is dead and being swarmed over by ants.I think Wetas are wonderous creatures.

*Before I forget, Yes, Gudrun the corn cobs can be just microwaved for 2 or 2 and a half minutes in their own skins. We had them for lunch again today.

Yesterday was my P and Q Groups first Friday back together. It has been a long break this year. I had missed all the ladies. 2 new ladies who had belonged many years ago, before my time, rejoined so that is wonderful. One has just retired and the other has been living in Tasmania for 10 years. All the new committee are keen and doing a great job so that makes things easier for me, although I still finish the meeting feeling like I have talked too much, so will try and get others to take parts for me.
Later in the afternoon I went and purchased the extra fabric and stabilizer etc for next Saturday's class.Then went to the supermarket and was very tired when I arrived home as it was a hot day. I think I find that mental responsibility makes me more tired than physical work.
Today we are getting odd little showers and the humidity is about 98 % !

I'm going to try and get some sewing done now.
I hope you all have a pleasant weekend Friends.
A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breathe of kindness blow the rest away.
( an Arabian proverb )
Your felt ball has turned out fabulous!
I envy you those avocados! We pay almost $1 each and they are often all bruised. And fresh garden tomatoes...sigh.
Joyce I suggest if you are getting bruised ( squeezed ) avos that you select them when thy are still green and firm and take them home to ripen yourself. That way you will know how often they are handled. Ripen them either on a bowl with other fruit such as bananas (giving off ethylene as they ripen)or put in a paperbag with nearly ripe bananas or other fruit ) don't use a plastic bag it sweats too much. The avos you get probably come from California or Mexico?
I love that friend poem -- I haven't seen it in years. I used to carry it around with me when I was a young girl!
Your felt ball is so cool -- what a lot of fun work!
I love that Arabian proverb. Your ball is looking gorgeous.
I love that Arabian proverb. Your ball is looking gorgeous.
I see you have been creating a gorgeous ball!
I wish I could get more than herbs to grow, but I have to be grateful for those!
I love zucchini, & when I read of how prolific they are, am green with envy. All my emergent tomatoes are picked by some creature, who remains invisible. & unknown!!
Avos & Kiwis are sssooo expensive this year!
We are at that "just before spring" time here were there are few fruits and no vegetables...it is nice even just to see some!
Love the proverb. The author was a wise man/woman! The colours of the avocados and plums together would look lovely in a quilt, don't you think? How big is that ball? Is it as big as the clutch ball? I love your appliques.....
Ali, your ball is amazing. That Weta is revolting!!! The avacadoes are dreamy and your toms are awesome yummmmmy xxxx
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