Thursday, July 24, 2014

Duties First then Sewing.

So far this week I have had to spend time doing a whole morning of accountancy checking and  half a day attending the Zespri AGM in the city. Another afternoon  sitting beside R ( and checking  as he went ) as he sat his renewal for his Growsafe and Approved Handlers certificates on line. He had never done them on line before but now thinks it is a good idea. ( as he passed 100% ( first time ever )) It still cost $200 for the privilege of sitting. Quite annoying really when he has been spraying weeds ( responsibly ) for 50 years.  ( revenue gathering perhaps? )

Anyway that's all done now and I managed to fit in some sewing of parts for the next baby quilt I am making.( lots of string piecing of tiny 1.5" squares )
 I have also in the evening made good progress on the next felt embroidered baby ball. It will get finished over the next few nights as I hope to spend some time watching "The Games,"  in Glasgow on TV.
Here is how I prepare the motifs before sewing them onto the ball. Some care needs to be taken to balance colours and to make sure the motifs stand out against the background pentagon colour.
I pin them on to be sure they look okay where I have placed them.
 A new motif I tried this time is a pink piglet.
 It's a lovely mild sunny day here today. The new polyanthus survived heavy rain a few nights ago and look bright and cheerful. The magnolia stelata is flowering so Spring can't be far away.


Elizabeth said...

Love your felt balls. We had lovely sun here in Auckland this morning, now it is raining and COLD, but, the sun us doing its best to peep out through the clouds. So very changeable.

Jennifer said...

Our neighbour's very new magnolia has a bud just about to open, too! Fun prints......looking forward to seeing the quilt finished. I can imagine that those felt balls become heirlooms in their new little owner's families!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Isn't it bizarre that some growers, especially organic growers have to jump through so many hoops to prove they are organic and yet other methods of using chemicals on our foods doesn't have to be declared! All seems a bit bloody daft doesn't it! :( I love your balls....and that sounds so rude! :D