Friday, July 18, 2014


This morning we had a frost. We don't get many but the low temp is good for killing off bugs. While we have been enjoying some fine Winter days I have been gardening every afternoon. I looked around the garden to see what plants were already providing some colour and polyanthus was one things already doing that.

 In other areas I have red ones being a bit slow and another area has lemon/ yellow ones.
 The sun is too bright in this photo to show the colours up, but that's tidied that area.

Yesterday I spent all afternoon trying to fix a sloping bank that has partly collapsed onto the shell path. Birds make dust baths in the soil and the rain washes it down. I am probably the only person who will notice the difference. It involved a lot of digging and well as some new plantings - 2 white azaleas  and some poppies.
 Other areas of the garden that have Winter flowers are the Ifafa lilies that I have been growing here since 1980. A lady gave me a few bulbs back then and as they are happy I now have several clumps.
 I spotted this now uninhabited paper wasp nest in the Itty Bit camellia bush, when I was taking photos.
This morning while I was eating my breakfast 4 large native pigeons - Kereru sat puffed up and jumped about in the Copper beech tree. One then drank from the bird bath but was frightened off by a Tui who wanted a bath - he was showing off cause the water must have been near freezing.
 My photos didn't come out well as it wasn't light enough and I was too far away.
 Felt ball # 25 is well under way. It is for Belinda's first baby girl, due any day now so I have been hurrying.
 The 12 pentagons in 2 halves that make up one ball outer.
 The 2 halves with a pin holding them where I need to join them. It is important to sew the right seams together .
 Elizabeth, Yes I do have a pattern and set of instructions with pictures that I have given to interested people. Only one ever sent photos back and she had made a very poor effort of it. It is best to be shown I think. Patience is a major requirement too.
 Last night I made 2 more motifs ready to put on so progress is good.
 I have also started the next baby quilt - no photos yet.


Jennifer said...

Pretty flowers! Do you put interfacing on the felt pieces, or can you buy felt already backed?

Janice said...

Polyanthus sure give a nice splash of colour in the winter garden. Another lucky recipient of one of your balls. Thanks for showing the inside construction.

Pam said...

All so pretty as usual. I love that cot quilt too.

molly said...

The flowers from your garden always make me drool!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

The felt balls are lovely, I loved the one in the last post. Your garden looks great, ours is a work in progress and so far we have fruit trees in, shrubs are next. You have to have so much patience to garden, I want it all done yesterday. I'm learning though :D