Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Something Yummy.

 At the weekend I made this yummy Vegetable Jalfrezi. The recipe came from the September issue of the NZ Healthy Food Guide. ( page 63 ) ( web site here. )
 The first time I try a new recipe I try to stick reasonably closely to the original recipe ( to give it a fair chance you understand ).After that if I have liked it I begin to put my own mark on it according to what ingredients I have available. R had picked this from his walled garden and I knew immediately it was one of the main ingredients.
 I can't print out the recipe as it is not mine to do so but involves a spicy curry paste; thick  tomato mixture; onion; cubed pumpkin; cauliflower; capsicum; sultanas; chick peas and coriander ( not my favourite  herb and quite dominant in this ) but ok.
 The dinner turned out scrumptious served with pappadums and  long grain rice medley.
 On the same page of the mag is potato and spinach curry so that is the next to try. 
 The next flower is pink tones and was supposed to have leaves made all of bias strips ( I presume from the picture. ) as that idea didn't crab me I found a fern like fabric and am adapting that. It is quite tricky to sew on but I like the result so that's all right.( did you others who have made this use all bias strips? )
 The next flower is also cut out and adhered. It is bluey green with a round orange dot in the centre. . It was the one that caused me grief when I cut it out the first time as it stuck to itself as I was peeling the backing off and had to be binned. That was a good lesson and extreme care is now being taken at that step of each flower. (It was a bit octopus like with about 8 petals and hard to hold all at once )

 Clearing the old dead leaves off my strawberries took ages and I found thrips on some leaves. Most of the plants are only one year old but look a bit scruffy - I will give them a chance but will have replace them next year.
 I still have spaces in the herb garden for further planting but the back bed ( right ) has become a self sown place for parsley and coriander and muzuma.
 The alyssum flowers are also self sown and will come out as I need their space.
 Thank you to Jennifer; Molly; Dianne ; Raewyn and Sue. I really enjoy hearing from you ladies and enjoy reading your blogs too.


Pip said...

The Jalfrezi sounds nice, I might have to buy that magazine. I used bias strips for the leaves on that block, I thought it was going to be hard but it was quite easy in the end, your alternative leaves look quite lovely, always good to add your own twist to a design.

Mystic Quilter said...

I think it was the September issue I just bought so I'm definitely going to make this - your meal looks delicious.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Ya can't beat a good curry, coriander is a herb I need to add to my garden. Love the colours in the latest flower. I'm full of the flu but I'm making the most of being laid up and catching up on all the blogs, I've been very slack lately xx

Jennifer said...

Oh, that sounds good! I like your idea of fussy cutting a leaf print.

molly said...

I'm with you. First time out I stick with the recipe. After that it's no holds barred! BTW, that Beet and Carrot salad I linked to on a recent post --- don't bother with the pistachio butter. It turns the salad the colour of mud, and is more work than it's worth! Better to just throw in some whole pistachios before serving. Tastes just as good and you keep the lovely colours.