Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Quilting Smaller Pieces.


I have been sewing these table mats. The old ones are very stained and not very pretty any more so these are needed. ( I don't really need more quilts) I am using up my stash of fabrics that have fruit or veges or food on them. So far nectarines and green peas. Next will be pears. Each is simply quilted through the 3 layers with hexagon shapes. ( cotton batting so washable  )  ( will take a photo of the back next time ). I am then binding them  using  "edge turned binding." The mitred corners are quite tricky but okay so far. I then hand stitch down the binding on the front side. Finished size 17" by 12".( I made sure that is big enough for a large plate plus cutlery ) 

  The step job is still progressing. A little digger is supposed to be coming today as shovelling too hard and too slow.

 We very much need rain. We are keeping veges and flowers going with buckets and hand held hoses.

 My newish vireya near the front door is flowering for the first time. Dawn Chorus. ( I had this same one at the orchard and knew it was a healthy grower )

 Other bright flowers are zinnias and dahlias.

It is living on that plant I see it every time I look.


kiwikid said...

Lovely table mats and the flowers are so pretty.

Diane-crewe said...

Loving the fabrics for your table mats and beautiful colours in your garden x
I wish I could send you some rain .. been pouring down here ALL day x Hopefully some will arrive soon x