Saturday, June 17, 2023

For Your Imformation.


 ( click to enlarge if you can't read it )
 Not long now till our Exhibition. With Covid we have missed having one, so some ladies have given those quilts away but hopefully there will still be heaps to see. I have been preparing hanging sleeves and filling in entry forms.
 This is a new venue for us.  Hope it works. Plenty of parking which is essential. Note for anyone who has visited from other places it is for 2 days only..


molly said...

I have rejoined our local quilt guild this year in hopes of getting the nudge I need to finish all the quilts I started, but then abandoned, not because I didn't like how they were turning out but because the next tempting pattern came along to distract me. Our guild is also having a quilt show this Autumn. I look forward to seeing yours next month!

Pam said...

I'd love to come to the quilt show! But it's a bit far away. Sigh.