Saturday, November 18, 2023

What to Do?


This white Hydrangea likes a dull drizzly day (It sunburns quite easily )
 All the garden plants are getting a slow( so far ) gentle watering from rain.

What to Do was the title of this post, so here's my question. Have any of you had a threatening email from somewhere called legacy blogger or Legacy migration ( in USA )?  I was told to migrate my blog to them. because my account has someone associated with it who hasn't blogged since 2006. If I didn't move,  my blog would be closed down in 60 days.

 Question - is this for real or yet another scam email ?

 Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.


Janice said...

I haven’t heard of that. How scary. I hope someone can shed some light.

Gayle M P said...

There are NZ Govt organisations that can provide information about scams.
The Department of Internal Affairs

You can find more information about them online. It would be sad to miss your online memories.
