Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The New Edge .

This is the new edging R has put in where we dug out the agapanthus.

 It needs more soil fill on both sides.
 Along the piece of garden there is now far more space for the plants already there. I added a new red pompom dahlia corm today( you can just see the support stakes on the extreme left).
 The unsightly sandpit is staying just a little longer till 6 year old grandson tells us it can go.

 This edging is along the top of the garden with the cherry on the left in it.

 The same trees from upstairs.

 I have started feeding cut wind fall oranges to the birds. 

 In a saucer on the old stump. In less than 24 hours they look like this

 Mainly wax eyes and sparrows but some blackbirds and Tui as well.

 Fabulous sunny day again today following a frost this morning.


1 comment:

Janice said...

A good job to get out of the way before the spring growing season. Your cherry trees are looking lovely. A reminder that the worst of the cold weather is nearly behind us. The birds will be liking you.