Over the weekend I spent 2 nights away with members of my P & Q Group at Retreat. My 1st ever P & Q Retreat. We didn't travel far, reasons being day visitors could also attend and older members didn't have to drive too far. ( The accommodation was also reasonably priced.) We stayed near the sea at Papamoa at a camp with the sort of facilities we required.
Some members of my group have been there many times before, and that's probably why some arrived earlier than we were asked to ...they wanted the best beds and they knew who snored....I didn't! I created a 1st.....no body else had ever been found asleep on the couch in the lounge in the morning with quilt and pillow! It was a sensible solution I thought after lying awake for 2 hours not being able to get to sleep or cope with my 3 other room mates all snoring...2 very loudly and not synchronised either.( one dear lady has had hip replacements and has to sleep on her back, bless her ). I was feeling desperate to sleep and had to do something. We did get a laugh next morning cause the worst offender arrived at breakfast and was asked if she slept well. She said she had but boy could that Ali snore! Hoots of laughter erupted cause the others knew I hadn't even been in her room! Luckily she could see the funny side! One other lady from our room said oh Thank goodness I had never known anyone to sleep so still as you! ( I wasn't in the bed ) Lots of laughing was a feature of the weekend.
22 ladies slept over; 35 attended in all some just for the day or the class that was taught on the Saturday. We did our own catering by all taking lunch and dinner dishes to share. ( far, far too much food! ) On the Friday night as a bonding exercise we all sat around the long dining table and made little stuffed cats with lavender sachets inside, that can hang by their tails. They can be hung on door knobs. That's my one with attitude in the photo .
On the Saturday 14 of us took a class with Tutor Natalie Murdoch ( she was at Symposium in PN in January this year teaching the same quilt - "Ooey Gooey Hearts" ) the class was held in a different room quite a wee way away from the main building. Normally folk take their cars down to the room as it's too far to drag or carry sewing machines....but it has never rained during class before. Unfortunately it didn't just rained; it was a deluge...the football field we had to drive across became a pond! The weather was like that on and off all day...... so some rather damp ladies started the day but gradually dried out....it's really quite difficult unloading machines and gear from the boots of cars without getting water some where...impossible to hold an umbrella at the same time! We all probably got less sewing done than we might have had it been dry cause the room had no toilet and we had to get back and forth for coffee and lunch. Aren't umbrellas just wonderful things! One dear lady ( the chief snorer ) had made yummy hot cheese scones for us at morning tea. ( All is forgiven )
I will report more on the quilt we were working on as I progress with mine. Some ladies just made a table runner size but I am making single bed size so have a way to go yet. One photo shows the piles of 5" squares we were asked to bring the other photo shows steps 3 & 4. Step 2 being folding a 5" square in half and free hand cutting out half a heart shape. That is then sewn to a contrasting 5" block.( step 3 )
( step 4) is then to turn that block over and carefully cut the back out in a heart shape; then take that smaller heart and sew it to the front of another contrasting block. As I had over 200 squares already cut and bought 2 of the Tutors prepared packs; one yellow; one blue; you can understand mine is going to take a while. I know how to carry on and cut the blocks in half and then rematch them, then assemble them so it should be fine. More photos will follow as I get there. It really is a very simple procedure suitable for any level really.
During the weekend there were several spot prizes ( mainly FQs ) which was fun and there was one competition. Guess how many buttons are in the jar. Guess who won? My prize was the lovely little pair of stainless steel scissors in the photo with the cat. Lucky me! I didn't know I was good at that! One very tired Ali arrived home yesterday...much wiser about Retreats - I will be up with the play if I go next year!.....note to self - take ear plugs!