A really quick post; as I should be in bed ready for an early start. If it is still fine tomorrow the kiwifruit picking gangs arrive. The gear ( bin trailers and tractors are all lined up ready ) bins and pickers will arrive tomorrow More about that then.
Today I made Feijoa muffins ( never made them before ) as we have lots of lovely juicy feijoas. Apparently they don't grow in other countries very often...wonder why? These muffins were lovely and light ....they had sour cream and some little chunks of cream cheese in them.
The other great work of the day ..... I did the first part of machine quilting my Hearts top. It went really well. Yesterday at my P & Q group several ladies all helped me pin baste it on top of 3 big tables pushed together. We did another friend's top first. Oh, what a wonderful idea with all those hands to help. Thank you ladies! (I guess you all know about using a spoon to close the pins to save ones finger tips.) You can see the blue fabric I am using as the backing in the photo, rolled on the right hand side. More about that another day too.
Oh may it stay fine tomorrow and Monday if we need it!
Yummy with sour cream and cream cheese!
I loved feijoas when I was a kid. We had a hedge of them, so we always had plenty to eat in the season.
We see them in the shops occasionally, over here, but they are expensive, & dont look like the ones we grew.
found you via Sooziii ... we have heaps of feijoas, more by change than good gardening. Can you post your receipe for muffins when you have time thanks. Love the heart quilt. aubirdwoman
Group sandwiching is a classic example of many hands make light work. The blue fabric you're using for the backing is beautiful - way too good to be unseen on the back :o) I've never heard of feijoas - what are they? the muffins sound delicious
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