Saturday, August 06, 2011

Time in Singapore.

Firstly I must say it is good to hear from you my blogging friends. Today I am starting to feel like me again. I think we may have spent too long away as the last week was not kind to us. On the train home from Paris I first notice my sore throat which developed into a nasty cold which still hasn't left me. ( R now has it too ) Thanks Paris! The only other nasty thing that happened while we were away was R got his wallet stolen on the metro on our 2nd evening in Paris. ( that involved me spending time on the phone cancelling his Visa and 2 money cards...not easy as my French wasn't up to phone conversations. ) Luckily apart from the inconvenience the thieves only go 60 Euros. (He thought he was being careful too.) And had been well warned! My other regret was I didn't get the opportunity to catch up with Joyce in Paris - sorry about that. Anyway back to the beginning.

Singapore was humid like you wouldn't believe if you haven't been there. ( you know the way hot air hits you on opening an oven door and fogs ones glasses up - that's what it did to me every time I stepped from the air conditioned buildings. )The pool on the roof of our hotel was a blessing. We stayed at the same hotel as a stop over both going and coming back.
 During our time there we went on the Singapore Flyer ( 165 metres )

and got amazing views out across the island.

 We didn't have to queue to get on which was a plus.
 We also walked across this new amazing curved Helix Bridge.

We went on a bus tour of parts of the city. It drove through Little India and we visited the oldest Hindu temple in Singapore in Chinatown....the Sri Mariamman Temple which is ornate and covered in gold. While those sites were impressive for me my favourite was the Botannical Gardens, where we walked and had lunch.

Along one of the paths near the pond was this statue of Chopin. By this time R was too hot and sat in the shade.

 I went off to the orchid house and was delighted with what I saw. Orchids being the national flower grow everywhere ( roadsides, airport, hotels -  inside and out ) but the best I saw were in this garden.

 On the way back I came across this fellow crossing the path in front of me.

Every street in Singapore had trees. The whole place is beautifully clean and tidy.  Everyone is employed even at simple tasks. I saw an old woman sweeping the paths in the garden at her own pace. She was pleased when I asked if I might take her photo and poised for me.
 We witnessed an incredible thunder and lightning storm the 2nd night we were there.
I am so glad my friend Ruth told me to visit the butterfly garden which is on the top story inside the aitport. ( a good thing to do while waiting ) Although very humid I spent  a happy time there amongst the butterflies.
The place smelt of pineapples. This is why.

 Those visitors who were still and quiet had butterflies  land on them.


By Hoki Quilts said...

Thank you so much for the memories. We lived in Singapore 25 years ago, it was an amazing place to live. Every week my grocer would supply me with a bunch of orchids. They weren't the big flashy ones, nor were they brilliantly coloured but they were orchids non the less, how spoilt was I?
safe travelling
hugs - Miche'le

Leanne said...

Looks wonderful! Neat to have a butterfly garden in an airport! Have to go google that

What a pain about wallet. Friends back from Paris said it was a very dirty place. I am looking forward to reading more of your travels.

Laurie said...

Oh! Ali such memories your pictures bring back we also spent a lot of time in Singapore, I remember a bronze statue of a girl on a swing by the side of a small lake in the botantical garden not far from the Chopin one .... I wonder if it is still there I used to dream of her being in my garden ... looking forward to next episode... hugs Laurie

Shelina said...

Gorgeous pictures. It looks like a lovely place. Another place to add to the places I want to visit. Sorry about the wallet.

Pam said...

I wish I'd had time to take you to our Botanics. However - next time!

Unknown said...

What a great place to visit although I think I would not like the humidity. I am excited to go to your next post to read more about your trip :)