Saturday, December 25, 2021
Saturday, December 04, 2021
Lots of Gardening.
Plants are responding to the care and attention I have been giving them lately. Frequent dead heading with the roses, carnations pansies sweet peas and gazanias..
Wednesday, November 03, 2021
Today I will start Quilting This.
It's a rough and windy day in BOP. this morning
Yesterday was lovely. Friends took us out to lunch which was pleasant. Here is a view of the rail bridge from where we were.
Monday, October 18, 2021
Glorious Colours.
There's lots of colour in the garden now.
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Kept Inside by Rain and level 2
From the window at the top of the stairs I look out and there are no Kaimai Ranges today (or yesterday ). Looking the opposite way sometimes there is an estuary and stream, sometimes not. It is either raining or misty or pouring. Great for the garden but being BOPlenty doesn't know when to stop. I normally don't go out much but that has reduced to even less.( So sorry for Auckland folk who really are locked in on Level 4 still.)
Lots of sewing is being done. I thought I had finished enough blocks but when I tried the length on a bed decided I needed another row.
Friday, August 27, 2021
Sewing During Lockdown.
Here in NZ we are now in day 10 of Covid level 4 lockdown.
Staying home the whole time has given me more incentive to get on with making my quilt, called "These are a Few of My Favourite Things.
Monday, August 16, 2021
Several Seasons in the Garden.

In the same vase are Spring flowers like my favourites Burtoni Freesias and Hyacinths. A real competition for which has the best perfume.
Saturday, July 31, 2021
A Bright Spot.
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
A Great Series.
I'm interrupting my previous theme to tell you about these books that I heartily recommend.
The Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley.
Sadly Lucinda died quite recently this year so that is a huge and sad loss.
Tuesday, July 06, 2021
The Pantry , the Freezer, the Vege & Herb garden.
Basically it boils down to I don't want items that come in plastic or are over packaged. Paper bags and boxes / containers are fine. Any fruit and veg I buy I use my own reusable ( string mainly ) bags. I try to buy whole items like pumpkin so no need for glad wrap across a cut. Best I like to pick straight from our own vegetable or herb garden Meat from the butcher's shop is okay but not supermarket trays with plastic covers.
We make and freeze a lot of our own spreads like pesto and capsicum dip so those are in small glass jars which get reused. We do however like cream cheese and frozen peas etc they come in plastic. When we freeze our own surplus veges we tend to put them in plastic bags or containers( sometimes glass jars )( glass jars in a freezer can become very slippery and heavy )
I use a small amount of milk and cream mainly for baking/ cooking but can't find that in glass. ( we don't have milk in our tea or coffee)( but sometimes need it for guests ) Maybe milk suppliers could go back to glass bottles that get recleaned and reused, ( I know glass breaks and therefore can be dangerous )
Looking into the pantry cupboard in my picture I see glass jars, tins, al cans , paper containers but I also see large plastic containers that are in constant use - those I don't mind as I am reusing and reusing. ( for flour, sugar, baking needs and home baked goods . At the bottom are containers to reuse.
Looking elsewhere. Should I stop using biros and instead only pencils. Should I stop buying sewing thread on plastic reels - they used to be wood. I use cotton or wool or bamboo batting in my quilts.
I use bankcards that are made of strong plastic, some are renewed every 2 years. The ones I think we could do without are pressy cards and plastic loyalty cards ( lots are cardboard so that's better )
It seems to me I keep thinking we need to go back to a time before things were packaged this way.
Next post I will start on about clothing, footwear, cars.
* Thanks for your comments I did find shampoo in a cake. Haven't tried it yet. Any other good ideas Ladies?
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
My Little Changes.
My little changes won't save the planet but my actions are the only ones I can change.
Where I go, how I go, what I buy, what I throw out, what I reuse, what I do without, what I make myself will make a difference. too small to measure in the greater scheme of things. I am prepared to try. So will others be, but not everyone.
I wear makeup. I have done since I was a teenager. I believe it has protected my skin and I am naturally pale so it helps me feel better about facing the world or even looking in the mirror.
Friday, June 18, 2021
That's Rubbish.
For the last 53 Years that we have been a household we have never had rubbish collection at our gate. Starting in July we are being forced into it. Why Forced? We have to pay the W B Council for the service whether we use it or not. The bins have been delivered. The Transfer station in the city is being closed down so we will no longer be able to do our own recycling.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Quilt Show.
On Saturday I went to the great New Zealand Quilt Show in Rotorua ( at the Energy Events Centre ).
My friend Jill drove a carload of us there so that was lovely. There was a lot to see. Mostly a very high standard of work. The ones I enjoyed best were the wall hangings of cities of the world.
My favourites are these 3.
Sunday, May 09, 2021
Autumn Colours.
A Liquid Amber with seed pods. (On a neighbour's property.) There were also golden maples and pin oaks with great colour as I walked around our area. Some things are beginning to flower quite early - hellebores and paperwhites.
Friday, April 16, 2021
Please stay Outside.
This fellow ( I think a Nursery web spider ) had to be taken outside. He was a fast mover and quite large.
Monday, April 05, 2021