I have also been washing some other fabrics from my small stash in preparation for trying Quilt as You Go on some blocks I have already made. A member of our group is going to demonstrate her technique of joining the blocks after quilting. As I couldn't decide which would look best as sashing and which as backing I washed a couple and have been auditioning them.
Yesterday at our P & Q Group we discovered that the family of a recently deceased elderly quilter had cleared out her house and donated some fabric, magazines and 40 quilting stencils to our group. Wasn't that lovely of them. We are so glad they didn't just throw it all away. Some of our members that are on fixed limited incomes were delighted to get the fabric. As Librarian I had the job of cataloguing and putting in a ring binder the 40 Stencils. Fancy one little old lady buying that many stencils!
Tomorrow I need to make tomato chutney or sauce as we have picked so many lovely ripe tomatoes. (here are just a few of them.) Little sweet jewels full of Summer's goodness. ( Oh wow has it been warm...you didn't here me say that) ...it is indeed Summer here in NZ! _
Hi Ali
Where did you get the lovely blue fabric?
D'you know Ali I think I like those I spy hexagons even better in the blue
I love the blue and your tomatoes have me drooling!
Looks like you have a good start on the I Spy. That blue is wonderful.
Your tomatoes look so lovely. This time of year the tomatoes in the grocery are just ghosts of their summer selves.
Love that blue!
The tomatoes look so deicious. I can remember the 'real' flavour of home grown tomatoes!
I love tomato chutney, & though I didnt like my MIL's cooking, I did love her tomato sauce, --- & never did get the recipe!
Enjoy your lovely Summer weather Alison. Here in the UK we are having more rain and high winds tomorrow. Little old ladies have spent a lifetime collecting such things as stencils. I hope my family take my things somewhere they will be appreciated(smile)
I love the hexagons, and the gorgeous blue fabric sets them off so nicely!
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