Today the 6th of February is New Zealand's National Day. While it is a holiday we only changed how we spent the day from one kind of work to another! But Oh what a lot we got done! I started by helping DH clear part of his very weedy vege garden then gave all my herbs a hair cut.( lovely fragrant smells! ) Both gardens are looking so good now it was worth the sweat. Had a long lunch as I had my nose in a book. Later I spent another 2 hours weeding and cutting back part the driveway. We cut one rhododendron that was staggly almost to the ground in a hope it will bush up again. I came in so hot and tired but know I did good out there. After a long cool shower and hair wash I felt much better but announced that I was finishing my book before I did anything about dinner. I was reading the last few pages of Audrey Niffenegger's, The Time Traveler's Wife. I blubbed my way through the last part of the book and would now heartily recommend it. It's a really original story. Possible ....I doubt it but who knows she made it seem plausible.
After 2 bad attempts I think I have worked out how to make a suitable label for my quilt.
At the weekend I spent some time working on my machine quilt project. I am progressing slowly as I am not completely sure how I wish to put the blocks together.( it's purple and a mustard sort of colour....photos are back further somewhere last year ) I'll keep ya posted.
We are a bit worried about the peacock hanging around the house and eyeing the ripening tomatoes. He has over the last 2 weeks lost almost all his tail feathers and no longer shouts out. ( hope we don't have to shoot him as a pest ) Black cat Incubus ( Inky ) put himself on guard cat duty on the deck earlier today. He wants to be the only animal around here! Happy Waitangi Day to any other Kiwis reading this!
Happy Waitangi Day to you too Ali - the garden is looking gorgeous as ever - funny how something so beautiful (the peacock) can become such a pest when in the wrong place
I don't know about you but it was as hot as h*** here in Wanganui today. By far the hottest day we have had so far this summer. Typical, since school is back.
Thanks for the 'good book' recommendation.
Your garden looks so good especially from the deep freeze we are in over here. I don't envy you the weeding in the heat though.
I really must get a copy, I keep hearing about this book! Pity about the peacock, I once had a similar dilema over a rabbit who was decimating our vegetables, I'm sad to say he did not survive!! How cool would the tail feathers look worked into a quilt?!! (some sort of tribute if the worst comes to the worst, hee hee, excuse the dark humour!!)
Why thankyou for the Thought Ali Honey!
Your garden makes me homesick for the lovely green of the BOP.
How curious about the peacock- how did he become a pest? Is he an escapee from someone's exotic bird collection?
When I first saw the pic, I thought he must be a family pet.
Did you manage to get any of his tail feathers?
I'm curious, too. Where did the peacock come from? Your garden looks beautiful. We've warmed up to 31F here today!
I really enjoyed that book too...Your garden is lovely. Your cat is so calm! Ours would lose his standup if he got that close to such a big bird. We have beautiful sand hill cranes that stroll through the neighbourhood. Lovely to look at, but some people see them as pests. For me, I think this was their habitat long before it was ours. Of course they haven't dug up and ate all MY bulbs....
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