Sometimes something very simple can be a pleasure.
There's not much to this. A terracotta pot, some good potting mix and some seed.
McGregor's Zinnia Thumbelina mix. ( extra dwarf ) Some are in the garden, some in this pot and I still have some left. They grow very easily. No nice perfume but bright colourful faces.
Plenty of water as its a small pot, some worm pee and they are rewarding me.
They have done even better than the ones in the garden as they were protected from last week's strong winds and are planted closer than the garden ones.
Butterflies seem to like them too.
Thanks Molly and Pam...keep at it when you get the chance - I'd really miss you if you stopped.
Sowell says
2 hours ago
Ali, your green thumb is inspiring. Me? I'm thrilled when a few radishes actually materialize when I plant some seeds!
I love zinnias. They scream summertime. My only problem is that I only think of them when I see them flowering, not at seed sewing time, so I just have to enjoy them in other gardens. They are gorgeous.
colorful flower
Thank you! I'm hesitating...
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