Fine weather has meant 3 straight days with both of us working at garden and properrty maintenance. R has cleaned all the cobblestone and concrete path areas. I have mowed lawns, weeded, dead headed and collected leaves. My camera has been out taking garden photos.
I cleaned the birdbath so now I can see reflections in it. Hope the birds still like it. The tuis are the best customers.
I don't think this kingfisher was about to have a bath - he likes the creeks or larger areas of water where edible things to catch live.
As I was planting these anemone corms, I discovered the cosmos from last Summer have left seedling everywhere I dead headed them; so good I get lots of free plants.
I was also really surprised when down at my little extra piece of garden laying on compost that the old green bean plants still had some usable beans. So did R's row in the main garden, so we had a final serving of beans with our roast last night. I also dug some Heather potatoes from down the paddock. We must get them all out of the ground shortly. Yum, scrapable spuddies still.( not much mint left to put with them. )
The yellow Pokers flower first and now the red hot ones are out too.
See how blue the sky has been . The Luculia flowers look amazing against that backdrop.( The bees are busy - see in the flower on the right ) They are also loving the single camellia flowers, which are beautiful at the moment. I am picking them for the house.
This afternoon we both have appointments at the optometrist. I need stronger glasses . I have been making typos and can't read maps easily and I need to be able to. It is 2 years since I was last tested so maybe my eyes have deteriorated.
March Plans
14 minutes ago
hello, good gardening weather lately, lovely autumn days huh, love your garden photos - delightful!
Hi Shiree, Thanks for your comment and nice to meet you. I have popped over to visit your blog.
Love your garden photos.
I too, am due for another eye check. I find my eyes cloud when reading, and sometimes on the screen, here.
Getting older is a bugger!
You have so many beautiful flowers in your country!
Yes gudrun. 244 bins like the ones in these photos.
Gold kiwifruit are similar to the green but have yellow flesh and are sweeter tasting.
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