As we are having friends to dinner tonight I have been cleaning etc ( as you do ) and picked a lovely bunch of camellias. This is one of my favourites for it's delicate form. It is Camellia Japonica Frimbriata. ( click to see it's frilly edged petals )
Here they are lying on the bench before they got put in their vase. There are 2 different pinks ( both seedlings ) one white and two tiny flowered ones. The littlest is a called Camellia Trans no koensis ( I think ) a Taiwanese species. The slightly bigger one is my favourite for perfume - it is called Cinnamon Cindy.
The bushes are all so large now I can pick arms full if I want to. They are supposed to get pruned so this is my way of doing that.
Meg I know you love seeing my flowers and garden and I know things are tough for you right now, so the top white beauty is dedicated to you. You are in my thoughts - stay strong for Goms sake.
R is out sitting reading in the sun, while he watches the meat spit roasting in the lidded BBQ, in the car porch. It is a lovely day. The meat is a roast of Rangitikei beef R and D swapped us for fruit and nuts at Easter. I am going to make Yorkshire pudding to go with it - haven't had that in ages, loads of roast vegtables including my personal favourites yams. Also broccoli and cauliflower and maybe peas.
The dessert is made. It is mocha self saucing pudding. I have only ever made the chocolate version before but mocha sounded good. It will be served with lovely sweet mandarins segments that I will peel just before we eat.
I think we will have a lovely evening.
Word of the day
6 hours ago
Yum....can I come to your place? Dinner sounds great! Your camellias are so beautiful.
I can smell it fom here... shame I was not passing the door ...the camellia looks beautiful, I think it is so sad the white ones suffer so much in the rain. Hope you enjoyed your dinner
hugs Laurie
I guess you are asleep now :) and had a great evening.
I was just going to ask the same Jennifer. Can we come next time please Ali?
I just adore the total perfection in the beautiful white Camellia. Thankyou so much. Hugs XX
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