Happy New Year - 2007.
Over night the last 1.5 mls of gentle rain fell, making the total rainfall for 2006 1514 mls ( or 5' 3'' ). That's about average for us.......it makes New Zealand ( in our area anyway ) " a green and pleasant land." I know we are so lucky!
I have always been a record keeper and to some extent so has HD ( maybe it's catchy ). He keeps the weather records and has done since the 1980s. We find it useful for orchard decisions but also as a general record talking point and comparison of years.
So 1st January is a day to add up the last years totals, like rainfall and books read and other things written in notebooks. A time to put up new calendars, always a difficult decision when there are so many lovely ones to display.( 8 ) One showing Wild and Beautiful Scenes of Alberta, sent from friends in Lethbridge, wins pride of place closely followed by one with scenes of our own green and pleasant land!
The final book I read for the year, was a compelling read - The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards.( Penguin /Viking ) ( recommend ).
Other progress to report, although slow, my Hexagon Quilt is now halfway assembled. The photo shows it face down on the table, so that is the backing pattern - it's a lot of handsewing but I work at it most evenings. Yes I'm hiding the feature side....it's looking fabulous but don't want to display it too soon and spoil the final finished shots.
I wonder what pleasures and delights, sorrows and troubles await us all in 2007? A mixture as always I'm sure. I don't do New Years Resolutions, don't find them useful. Note books of records ; photographic records and lists of to do , I do find useful. 2007.
It has been lovely getting to know you over the last year. I have enjoyed reading about your fruit farm, your life and hobbies.
May 2007 and be a very good year all round for you. Mags
We saw the new year in with a very heavy downpour. It lasted for over an hour and even left us with puddles. That sounds like a good sign for our less than green land! I am a weather watcher too, although I have never thought to total rainfall for the year. Have a happy new year!
Happy New Year, Ali. Perhaps we can export some of our surplus rain to Oz? The hydro lakes are overflowing now.
That sounds like a scary amount of rain! Have a very HAPPY NEW YEAR, and I echo Mag's comment re getting to know you, looking forward to this year's orchard news!
Oh, what a tease you are, showing us the back only!
But I must say, you've done a nice job of spreading out the different dot patterns... if the front looks as good I'll be impressed, I'm sure!
Oh, what a tease you are, showing us the back only!
But I must say, you've done a nice job of spreading out the different dot patterns... if the front looks as good I'll be impressed, I'm sure!
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