Humidity in the low 90s is making things rather sweaty here.( it's all that rain going back up again! ) We can almost hear things growing....including the lawn which I began mowing early before breakfast, but it was still hot. When first mowed it looks good but not for long. The big gum trees behind the house are shedding bark and leaves continuously at the moment. Bright and perfumed delights keep me being a gardener.The purple Eucomis ( pineapple plants ) look good and the lilies smell so good especially in the evening wafting in the open window. Having worked hard all morning I hope to sit in the shade later( either on the deck or my red garden seat ) and sew, sew, sew. Nearly there!
I hope you ladies of the Northern Hemisphere; where snow abounds can enjoy the green delights and heat of my NZ summer garden.
Lovely photos! I wish I could smell the lilies.....
Thanks for sharing your lovely summertime with us. NZ looks so beautiful! Meanwhile, we are expecting a little snow tomorrow night...sigh
it is pretty cold here in the UK - for us anyway - I'd happily take your sunshine but I'm not sure about the humidity - the garden looks lovely though Ali
Wish I was there for awhile at least. It's -31 wind chill here. We almost didn't make it home last night because the blowing snow made the visibility really bad. At least we don't have to mow the lawn!
Oh fabulous, just looking at the photos make me feel warm and sunkissed!
It does make me jealous... lol Here I'm snuggled up to my little space heater. I get one side of it, the cats get the other.
Your lilies are lovely.
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