The sun is shining again here in NZ and today I picked the 2nd little lot of yellow jewels, or little pear tomatoes. I pop them in my mouth whole they are so sweet. The plant has many more and I noticed the other varieties are colouring up too. Money Maker ( a medium sized red ) and a new sort called Dynamo.( big red )Oh Yum.
Some treats come via the Rural Delivery ( mail ) as well. My sister Ruth gave me a subscription to NZ Healthy Foods magazine, and it is a wealth of recipes, hints, advice, letters and useful information.( that's the 23rd issue in the photo).They have a web site as well.
We also get on subscription the NZ Listener. It has the best articles,( one this time on early onset Dementia), World News, TV and Radio programs and puzzles as well. Very good value. Often overseas visitors comment that it is a wonderful read and why don't they have something similar in their home country....fine praise indeed!
For my quilting fix I also received my copy of the Newsletter from Country Flair ( at Ngongotaha near Rotorua ) one of my favourite quilting shops. Which reminds me I must go visit them shortly as I have a generous gift voucher from my son in London to spend at their store.
This morning I found a good method to get the beans picked, without getting a sore back...pick for 5 mins then quilt for 10 then pick for another 5 mins etc till it's finished. ( it worked! ) Be happy everyone, what ever season and weather you are experiencing in your little corner of the world. ( I do appreciate how lucky we are here and that some of you are freezing, some sweltering ) Laugh and sew is a good recipe!
I'm licking my lips at the site of those tomatoes. Weather has picked up a bit here but was very windy on Thursday with lots of roofs being blown off buildings. today's fottball match at Leicester City Football club has been cancelled because the roof blew off a hotel next to the football ground. I can't wait for spring!
The tomatoes looked delicious. It makes me long for summertime! Snow is expected here tomorrow, so pictures of summer elsewhere in the world are welcome.
I love that you show something so fresh and colourful each time I visit. You know how lucky you are, don't you?
Your hexagons look great--I've never seen them done that way before. Thanks for stopping by my blog and linking to me!
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