Rain showers on and off all day ( over much of NZ ) means I get to sew! The orchard work will still be there and have to be done( another day ) but I desperately need a sewing day as I haven't had time for me for ages. It is dull so it's lights on or sit by a window to see. Here's where I started working early with a coffee at hand and my last few hex that I have just cut the backing fabric for, ready for me to work on.( the ones at the front have to have the backing turned to the front. The pile at right back are pinned ready to hand sew. I have also machine quilted a few that were ready. Now I am back to sewing row 11 Hex to row 12 for some variety of activity.
There is no easy solution to my little problem ( blog title ), I know that; but it doesn't stop me trying to find one. On the 27th of this month we have 2 invitations for the same time, same day. One friend is having a small gathering to celebrate her 60th Birthday, in Taupo ( about 1 hour 50 from here ), another younger friend is having a new house warming party and 20th Wedding Anniversary combined party.( about 10 minutes away from here. ) D H saw the words music and dancing on the 2nd invite so he doesn't want to go there.( he has this thing where he won't / can't dance and it terrifies him that someone ( not me, I know better ) might expect him to dance.) I have known both friends equally long and really like them both so it's a hard call. We don't get that many invitations So I hate it when that happens. I need 2 copies of myself so I get to go to both functions!
The book I am reading now is really annoying me, I think because the author has made the 2 main characters so real and flawed. It's called, " You Gotta Have Balls," by Lily Brett. ( Picador ) It's set in New York. Has anyone else read it?
Back to the sewing now.
You could say that parties are like buses, you wait for ages and then two come along at once. It's raining non-stop here too.
A real dilemma for you! If only we could divide ourselves!
Thanks for visiting my blog. On my recent trip, I got treated to a 'Tiki tour' by car of the whole area, & was amazed at how it has all changed!
I loved the look of the 'Green & pleasant land', whilst over there, & miss those Scarlet Runner beans- the young ones are my favourite for taste!
Will be nice to see your final hexagon quilt.
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