I can hardly contain my excitement! It's finished, it's finished ! Started in August last year my Boys' I Spy Quilt made of 284 individually pieced and bound hexagons is completed today after hundreds of hours work over the last 6 months. It is single bed size. As always I can't get the photos just as I want so I have shown you the quilt in several different poses. ( I must study how Gwen Marston had her quilts displayed in her Collaborative Quilting book ...they looked fabulous.) I now have to complete a little hex shaped label I am hand stitching, ( solid black) so it won't distract. In my next post I will tell the quilt's story.
Quilting is a wonderful hobby for me. I love the beautiful fabric and colours - my artistic side comes alive.
I have lived in Te Puna near Tauranga
since 1978. Recently retired after 40 years working on our own small orchard where we grew Kiwifruit and Avocados for export. We have a large garden and grow many fruit, nuts, vegetables and flowers.Our new property runs down to an estuary.. When I was young I was a teacher and particularly liked teaching art. I have also worked in the Kiwifruit Industry in Quality Control and Auditing. I love to create and am currently passionate about patchwork and quilting. I sew by hand and using my Bernina Aurora 440 machine.
* All photos enlarge by clicking. * PLEASE do not use my photos or words without my permission.
Tauranga Patchwork and Quilters Group, who meet at the Art and Craft Centre every 2nd and 4th Friday 10 am till 3pm and 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights 7.30pm.( contact me for more info )
Oh. My. Gosh. It turned out beautiful! You made a real treasure for your boys.
Congratulations! What an accomplishment. Look forward to the story and detail shots.
Great to see the hexagon quilt finished - looks very jewel like from a distance.
WOW! What a lot of work and what an amazing quilt. It will be a family heirloom for sure.
... whow ... so amazing!!! I have no words for it ... stunning!
A real awesome work!
Oh well done Ali, it is beautiful - you should be extremely proud of your wonderful accomplishment.
BYW - I tried posting on the site and it worked OK so maybe there was a tech glitch when you were trying.
Alison, well done! It looks amazing.
Alison, well done! It looks amazing.
Your I Spy quilt is amazing. Congratulations!
oh, lovely....more pics of you hexagon quilt. I'm working my way backwards through your recent posts!
That's fantastic! I am doing 'normal' hexagons at the moment, but your idea is great.
It is lovely to see an interesting New Zealand quilting blog (and written by someone who also grow up in Marton!)
It is great to have an interesting New Zealand Blog to read about quilting. Congratulations! ( and one written by someone else who grow up in Marton!)
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