Thank you all for your comments. Yes, Isabelle we are indeed lucky to be SO pleased with our son's chosen partner. We love her and couldn't have found anyone better. Molly we don't have to go over there again. When we went over there this year it was because they are coming back to NZ, leaving UK next month and making their way home to NZ by December.
They are both Kiwis! Pam I am not thinking that far ahead yet!
That's the exciting stuff to the more mundane. Every day the new grass is greener. ( the thunder, lightning and down pour on Monday night must have helped. )

Here is how it looks from the kitchen window - the angle makes it greener.
Look for the line behind the clothes line to see where old meets new. And before you ask....yes, there are many , many pairs of gloves on the clothes line. I wash out the gloves I wear in the garden and orchard to get more wear out of them ( also note in this photo a new frame over my strawberries ( the other one rotted ). If you look really closely you can see my 2 cosseted tomato plants first in line along what will become a row of tomato plants. They have only been out of their pots and in the garden a couple of days. One is a golden peardrop the other a heirloom called Brandywine. The yellow one we grow every year the Brandywine is new to us but was recommended in the NZ Gardener as the tastiest someone had ever just had to try one. YES it is early to have tomato plants in the open But I was prepared to chance it. ( I didn't want to miss getting a plant of that new tom ). The row of peas is so slow!My salad greens are coming on a treat. We ate a salad last night made totally from my herb garden, plus an avocado. I thinned these young radish - so sweet and young . ( 3 sorts of lettuce , chives ).
Every 2 days I walk down and visit the new plum tree - encouraging it to set some fruit please. It has lots of flowers and buds so I am hopeful. Yesterday I did blokes work. We laid a new pipeline down the great wall ( beside the driveway ) so tractors and machine can wash down more easily at the bottom of the a PSA prevention between orchards. It involved feeding the alkathene pipe under flax plants and rosemary bushes the whole way. I did the slowly; wait a minute while I cut this bit out; be patient role, while R did the swearing getting impatient and using machines role. Hope the plants don't die after he hauled them back with the hussler. BUT we got the job done and it works brilliantly.
Having finished edging these 3 spare blocks to make mats at the weekend I am now sewing together the parts of another of my felt baby balls. I have written up some ideas for next quilts BUT just can't quite get I want to do it this way? or that way? Maybe a bit of trial and error is in order.
Wow, your grass is certainly growing quickly! Love the quilted mats too.
Lovely mats.
Keep meaning to tell you that we use your coasters frequently! I keep them in my sewing box in the sitting room and get them out when we have people drinking coffee etc. Much easier than going through to the kitchen for my previous, hard coasters. It didn't occur to me when you gave me them that of course you'd made them. Silly me. Anyway, thank you!
Looks very green from here ......... I'd love to see some more pics of your vege garden too, I need some inspiration! From what I've seen yours is a thing of beauty as well as being functional. Wonder what you decided to quilt?
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