Usually it is November when we get pesky wind that bashes my lovely Copper Beech tree when it is just resplendent in it's new red growth, but it is happening now. I guess it's only 10 days or so to November. It also damages the little new shoots on the Kiwifruit vines and leaves some swinging, never to be any good. See how big my favourite deciduous tree in the garden has got...that is 33 years growth.
This is just one months growth on the patch of new hydroseeded grass / lawn.( Farm Girl and Chooky Blue that's quite good growth isn't it if it was pasture? ) I can see I need to crawl around on it and remove the weeds that are big enough to get a grip on.....I wonder if I will do that?
All excuses aside I have a busy weekend coming up. I am going to a 2 days course with about 12 other ladies from our P and Q group. We have Hazel Foot from Auckland coming down to teach us....a method of making art quilts/ wall hangings. We have to take 3 or 4 photos or pictures that we are going to print on tissue paper???? We have to take suitable fabrics to use around the photos and embellishments etc. I have been getting everything on her list ready - I seem to have so much to lug.( I even changed my machine needle, and cleaned the machine! )
All of that is not difficult....the hard part was deciding what photos to take....I have so many! ( The Inspiration part. ) I looked what the ladies in Whangarei used last year when they had this same course and almost all except one who used famous buildings, used flowers or seashells.
I narrowed it down to 2 categories. Radish or mail boxes. The mail boxes won. I have some pics I took that I really like. Unfortunately I woke up about 3 am this morning with some extra good ideas about what to take to use as embellishments ...all to do with mail, string; stamps packages etc. That was good I suppose...but I then got to thinking about solutions to some other problems....needless to say I was tired when I got up this morning. I hope to sleep well tonight ( before the class ) but have a good rugby game to watch first which doesn't start till 8.30 pm. Then of course there is the "other all important game," on Sunday night....Can the All Blacks do it? Yes. Will the All Blacks Do it??????
A little good news about Rena. They managed to pump 60 tonnes of oil off her during the night.
Word of the day
1 hour ago
Oh yes, my hubby would be very happy with that in his young grass paddocks! Though you wouldn't see me out there weeding it by hand. lol
I hope you have a wonderful time at your class.
I had to leave the room several times, during the ABs game. I was so happy to see them win!!
A much needed boost for all Kiwis!
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