Thanks for your comments ladies. Yes it can be busy around here. This morning while we ate breakfast I enlisted DH help and we compiled a list of all the birds we could think of that we see on our property. Our property 11.9365 hectares in total has orchard obviously and native bush, gullies and garden. This current interest in birds was sparked by the sudden and recent appearance of a Peacock strolling around our orchard. He has appeared on the lawn beside the house twice now just at dusk, but is camera shy and can run quite fast!
The list of birds has 31 different in all; some are here always, others from time to time:-Peacock; Pheasants; Pukeko; Harrier Hawk(Kahu); Paradise Ducks; Mallard Ducks; Native Pigeon ( Kereru); Kaka; Eastern Rosella; Morepork (Ruru); Tui; Thrush; Blackbirds; Californian Quail; House Sparrows; Indian Myna; Starlings; Magpies; Shining Cuckoo (Pupiwharauroa); Kingfisher (Kotare ); Welcome Swallow; Fantail (Piwakawaka ); Bellbird (Makomako or Korimako ); Yellow Hammer; Grey Warbler ( Riroriro); Silver Eye ( Tauhou ); Chaffinch; Greenfinch; Goldfinch; Black Shag and White Faced Heron. ( in brackets are the Maori names )
I wonder if we forgot any?
( the green feathered bird on the hand is a Shining Cuckoo that flew into a window.)
I love them all, well almost; some like the Rosella are a pest and peck off the kiwifruit buds cause they are parrots and like to play.
The Quails arrive in family groups of about 15 and walk around the lawn. Mrs. Thrush baths daily in my birdbath - very clean lady; sometimes the Tui do too.
If I have to pick a favourite I think it would be Ruru the Morepork.
Morepork sounds like what the turkey says you need to serve at Thanksgiving... :D
Oooo..... I agree with the turkey....much rather have pork! lol."Morepork," is the sound the Ruru ( small owl ) makes.
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