These purple Sparaxias have been putting on the usual magnificent show, but a thunder storm and very heavy rain last night have made them look a bit sad now. ( we needed the rain! )
I need some help and advice please. We have decided the time is right to buy a new computer. The one I am using now has some problems and is getting old and slow. It also has some really good features. We have decided it can become the off line computer as there are times when we both want to be using at the same time . It is good to be in a situation where we are not buying cause this one has died...and therefore in a hurry..we can look around ...and ask around. What I would like to know from you dear friends out there is....do you have any recommendations and why...or do you have any "beware stories," about poor service or real dog computers. Should we go for XP Home ; XP Professional or XP Media ? (none have a good photo programme like this one....(Microsoft Photo Editor) (I will have to get photo shop and install that on the new one...ooh!)
Any advice would be much appreciated.
I've been a Dell fan for years, but am starting to think my next machine might be an Apple.
And' so beautiful to see the photos of the flowers, us here in Italy have the leaves colored and the autumn is initiated :)))
I have a compaq laptop, but when this one dies I'm getting a Mac (Apple). My SIL has one, and my daughter has a Mac laptop, they have a lot of advantages over my computer. Whatever you do, definitely don't get a Dell, my sons are very computer wise (one used to sell computers) and said to never get a Dell.
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