Yesterday I spent some time reading other's Blogs that I enjoy; my list has got very long now, so it takes a while. Over at Pieces from My Scrapbag Finn showed a photo of her family treasure the Chamber pot. That got me thinking maybe others would like to see our old family treasures too.
Isn't the po a beauty. I have it in the Lounge with a yellow Begonia in It. ( I am careful not damage it). (The colour scheme there is yellow blue and white.) On the bass it says Aubrey made in England. It belonged to my Husband's Maternal Grandmother ( and may be older than that) and came to NZ with her family from Scotland in 1884.( she was only 4 ). In the other photo is the school bell that same lady used as a young teacher here in NZ.
The is a soup ladle belonged to the other side of the family.( no markings on it ) The Coffee Pot is a complete set; Pot; 6 little cups and saucers; a sugar bowl and jug, all in perfect condition - Copeland Spode Made in England - Spode's Bryon. I look after them all , so I may then pass them down the generations.
Very nice! I love those blue pottery pieces, especially the ones with that electric and deep royal blues.
I love your blue 'po' Ali. My first language is Welsh but we call it a Po too. I have a very old one too, but it's not half as beautiful as yours. When I was clearing my mother's house I couldn't throw it out.
what a lovely idea, we all have interesting bric-a-brak tucked away, i must get the trusty old camera out! That po is FABULOUS! would your family think it was too horrifying for words to use it with the lovely ladle as a soup tureen for Christmas?!
Thanks for sharing your family treasures. They are beautiful. I am very fond of blue and white and those are wonderful examples.
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