- Turn the oven on to 200 degrees C and then grease a 12 ( large) muffin hole tray.
- Whiz 110grams of butter and 1/2 a cup of sugar till blended then add 1 large egg.
- Wash your large orange and cut into quarters; take out any pips. Put the orange pieces, skin, pith and all into the whiz and chop till blended.
- Add 1/2 cup of chopped dates and whiz till just mixed in.
- In another large bowl sift 1 1/2 cups of flour; 2 tsps of baking powder and 1 tsp of baking soda.
- Add the contents of the whiz to the dry ingredients and add 1 cup of milk.
- Stir to just mix in then divide the mixture between the 12 muffin tins.
8. Cook for 20 minutes then cool for 3 minutes before removing from the tins.
Tip: to make sure the muffins come out easily run a knife around the edge of each cooked muffin them twist sideways till it will turn. Gently pull upwards only when free - that way muffins don't break.
These are moist and freeze well. Sometimes I add chopped walnuts instead of dates.( crystyllized ginger might be nice too )I once made this mixture as a loaf - it took longer to cook but was successful.
I have just seen the funniest sight. The hedge cutter arriving, driving up the driveway with his big tractor with the blades mounted towing his van, towing a trailer with spare bldes fuel etc. Looked like a travelling circus. ( that means lots of noise for the next day or so as he trims all the hedges around the perimetre of the orchard. )
mrechants at our Exhibition. Referring to yesterday's post. One day on I still like it and think my plan will be : If I can find some more interesting black and white fabrics, maybe a jelly roll; where the colours are distinctly blackish or whitish ( half and half doesn't work like checked fabric or stripes ) I will proceed to make a full sized quilt top. I didn't really want to buy more fabric but if I can see just what I want I will.So that involves some patience on my part - till next weekend when I will visit the merchants at our Exhibition.
Those sound really good. I may have to give them a try.
Yes they look lovely!! Hope you are feeling much better now?
Shall definitely try those muffins, they csund so good!
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